- Robotc commands download zip#
- Robotc commands drivers#
- Robotc commands update#
Virtual Worlds – regulated motor movements for RVW. VEX IQ Grahpical – Adjust the Graphical arcadeContorl and tankControl commands to only show channels adjust armControl to only show buttons add default values to most commands. VEX IQ Graphical – Changes to “moveMotor” command to allow it to move in reverse if user specifies a negative quantity or speed, not just speed. 4WD Support for Natural Language with VEX IQ. This problem has been undetected since the introduction of ‘unsigned char’ and ‘unsigned short’ types were introduced. Most of the “>=”, “>” and “%” opcodes do care if “signed’ vs ‘unsigned’ where the operand size is either ‘char’ or ‘short’. Fix Compiler bug with “%” and “>” opcodes. Robotc commands update#
Update timeouts for VEX Cortex with new Master Firmware 4.22 for use with VEXnet 2.0 Radios. Incorrect generation of opcode bytes for “opcdAssignGlobalSShort” old format using 1-byte global index instead of new format with 2-bytes. Fix a bug in compiler generation of ‘string’ concatenation (i.e. Add new EV3 commands for sending I2C messages. EV3/IQ – Eliminate duplicate identical definitions in robotcintrinsics.c for motor commands. Licensing system update to fix “heartbleed” like issues that may be present during activation. VEX IQ Graphical – Added the ability for Graphical XML Documents to contain “RBC Macro” parameters. VEX IQ Graphical – Add USB ‘Directional Pad/POV Hat’ values for use with armControl with Virtual Worlds for IQ. EV3 – Casper update to prevent crashing when using VMWare Virtual Machines. Update colors properly with the new document architecture with graphical. Updated CHM files and fixed issues in ROBOTC opening the wrong CHM file. Fixed to revert issue causing bad message replies on the VEX Cortex system which prevent downloading user programs. Improved Licensing system features to provide more debugging feedback for -9105 errors. Improved error messages/status messages for Tele-Op based downloads with VEX IQ.
Fixed issue when deleting graphical blocks and ROBOTC would crash.Support for Project Lead the Way (PLTW) 2014-2015 School Year Users.Initial update of ROBOTC documentation (VEX Cortex/IQ Platforms).Support for motor synchronization in Robot Virtual Worlds (NXT Platform).Support for nMotorEncoderTarget in Virtual Worlds (NXT & Cortex Platforms).Updated Graphical Natural Language with new colors and commands!.Initial Support for I2C devices with EV3 platform.Support for VEX IQ 2.4Ghz International Radios (Requires VEX IQ Firmware 1.10 or newer).Full support for the VEX IQ platform in ‘Robot Virtual Worlds’ – Updated “Curriculum Companion” to support VEX IQ.To see which ones have been migrated, have a look at the Excel sheet (status_drivers.xlsx) that is included in the repo.
Robotc commands drivers#
The cool thing is, some of the drivers have the new struct based API.
Robotc commands download zip#
Just click the Download Zip button (or the link here). Fear not! You can download it right here. It seems that the Driver Suite has not been included with this release. I have highlighted the changes pertaining to LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3.
Here’s a list of the changes, copied from the aforementioned link. The list of changes is enormous,you can find the complete overview here. ROBOTC 4.10 has been released for all platforms, VEX and MINDSTORMS.